logo ramcoThe Company, has a track record of importing as well as manufacturing Medical Instruments, Disposables and Equipment, introduced quality products in India at a competitive price. We are now expert in product designing and developing from concept to complete product. We are developing complete range step by step  from in-house module to commercial production. The Sure Nebuliser is one of the product recently developed by us in respiratory care.

The company formed by Mr. Ramnath Prodhan, the proprietor of the company, with a vision to serve medical community with a quality product and best service based on his long time experience in the medical field. Every drawback, lacunas has tried to be rectified under his guidance and trying level best to provide quality service. Also trying to develop, add newer technology in our product.

Company is now focusing on own branded products like Surgical Instruments, Linen, Anesthesia Manchine and accessories, Neonatal Products, Suction Machine, Hospital furniture etc.

Also marketing few reputed brands of different segments like Meditech (India), RMS.

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